Monday, November 19, 2012

Karen Family Day

We deeply love and cherish our Karen speaking immigrants to this "New World"   Our relationship began by sponsoring a family which in 4 years time grew into a community.  They come to us from numerous Thailand refugee camps scattered along their western border.  All would quickly return to their beloved homeland of Burma but that is impossible due to a continuing 60 year civil war between the Burmese military powers and the many ethnic minorities.   To have them accept us and return their love toward us is our great joy as English people.   They certainly have revitalized our congregation and given meaning to Christ's challenge to welcome the stranger and alien among you.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

David Jeremiah video on the election

David Jeremiah on the election

A brother after church asked me to review this sermon .....I told him I would need to email that  response to him so here it is.    Just watch the video by clicking on the top line before you read my response.   Thanks, Jonathan

Hi Brother,

    You asked me what I thought of David Jeremiah’s video.  That is a huge question but it is a job I welcome because it’s important for me to clarify things in my own mind.      I was eager to listen to David Jeremiah  because I have a friend who went to Liberty University who now lives in California and attends his church.   I knew he was broad cast on WDAC but I rarely listen to the radio unless I am driving so I never heard him before.   But I understand the theological stream from which he comes so what he said was not a surprise to me. 

   I appreciated the respectful tone of his address.   I suspect he is a genuinely nice guy.   And I genuinely feel in agreement with him on almost everything related to abortion and the sanctity of marriage issues.   I’ll need to explain why as a Mennonite Church we strongly disagree with his assumptions related to the Nation of Israel.   I also need to explain why the inclusion of economic and justice issues are important to us in the Mennonite Church and why those issues were exempt from David’s message.  

   David sees the message of the Bible as the message of salvation.   The Mennonite Church does too.   It is the story of God reaching out to Man in our sinful condition and offering forgiveness/redemption and new life to walk with God.   David sees the creation of the nation of Israel as the creation of the people of God.   When the Jewish people were obedient they prospered …..when they worshipped other gods their enemies came and conquered them.   Sin was redeemed through blood sacrifice of a lamb.   Jesus came as the Lamb of God and became that sacrifice;  that by believing in his Lordship we claim that sacrifice for our self and we are redeemed/saved.   

David also sees God’s covenant with Abraham and promising him that he would be father of a great nation…. Plus the second covenant…. that he would give them the land that he would show them as being God’s forever promise to the Abraham’s children as being very significant.   God did fulfill these promises.  As a Mennonite Church we believe those promises of land were fulfilled 3000 years ago.    But the ultimate promise was that through these promises the entire world should be blessed…..we believe through Jesus the Son of God.  

The funny thing that happened was, Jesus called himself the King of Jews but he took no throne.   The Temple was central to Jewish worship…..but Jesus said destroy this temple and in three day I will raise it up….meaning that He Himself was God’s idea of a Temple…..and today we believe he resides in each person who names his name which means as we gather together we are the temple.   Jesus told the Samaritan women that the day is coming when we will not worship in Samaria or Jerusalem but in spirit and in truth.  In other words his kingdom is a spiritual kingdom and the Gospel is now for all people everywhere and not just for the Jews.  

David Jeremiah believes this too.   But a strange thing happened in Christian history around 1900.   Jewish people were treated badly by Christians for generations in Europe and some dreamed of reclaiming a nation for themselves.   Some persons dreamed creating a colony in South America and others dreamed of their ancient homeland which was occupied by the Ottoman Turks.   When the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in WW1 and they lost….the Ottoman Empire was broken up and divided among the allies.   Great Britain thought that they could solve their Jewish problem by exporting them to Israel.   The migration from Britain and especially from Eastern Europe proved too difficult to England to handle protecting the natives.…..At first the Palestinian people welcomed them…..they had lived for 2000 years with Jewish people almost always in peace.   These people came with European education and money giving them jobs and income that they had not had before.  But soon the natives were taken advantage of.   These new immigrants became occupiers and started fighting against the Arabs and Palestinians, forcing them from their land….. then in 1948 claiming their independence becoming rulers of the country.  As a result millions of Palestinians were either killed or forced into refugee status in the West Bank and Gaza.  

A large number of Christians in this country watched all of this with awe.   Could this be the hand of God??   A view of prophesy called premillennialism or dispensationalism developed which David Jeremiah would support claimed that it was.  

It essentially says that modern Israel is the fulfillment of ancient prophesies.   Jews will retake their land and occupy the temple once more.   Then Jesus will come and rapture his elect.   Then the Anti Christ will come and reign for 7 years over the whole world….first as an agent of peace but then everyone will get the mark of the beast….666... and if you don’t have it you will be slaughtered.  After this time of tribulation Jesus will come again in a great battle conquer and defeat Satan…bind him in hell….and Jesus will reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years of peace when the lion will lie down with the lamb.   It is during this time when it will make sense to follow Jesus teaching of the Sermon on Mount……because it sure doesn’t make sense to follow it now because Satan is loose on this earth and need to be restrained…..sometimes violently.   After 1000 years there will be the second judgement and we live in heaven forever and ever.   Probably I left out some additional complications and lot’s of preachers add their own creative twist but I think this is its essence.

Of course there are lot of Bible verses to put together this riddle to prove it’s truth….. But the Mennonite preachers, who believe Jesus' teaching as God in flesh trumps all goals of "nation building" found in the Old Testament,  just stood back and shook their heads.   This just didn't sound like Jesus' way of operating.   They always believed Jesus would come again ….there would be the judgment and we would live with God eternally.   Simple as that.   Why would Jesus need a clash of nations to provide him with the platform from which he would operate?   Jesus is the God for ALL People.   We have the nerve to believe the Jesus’ teaching is for us to practice right now.   We don’t have a tribal theology with some people chosen and others not.   All are Chosen including Gentiles.   We believe we live at peace with all people following Jesus which means a willingness to suffer as he did.   We don’t use the sword.   I wrote something in a blog one time about our difficulties with
”Christian Zionism”

You may like to read this if you like but we all know how deeply entrenched this conviction is among our American people.   Israel can do no wrong.   If Obama so much as passes up and invitation to visit the Israeli head of state it is call a snub and it makes the news.  

Mitt Romney as a Mormon believes Jesus is coming again to rule somewhere in Missouri....actually according to Romney Jesus has two headquarters, first in Jerusalem and then also in Missouri.     Our ability to occupy the “Land” is very important theologically.    The land is something we fight over.    So Mormonism and Israeli Zionism really are not much different.  It’s just for Mormons our country is the promised land for us as we are part of the 10 lost tribes.   As follows of Jesus however we believe part of following Jesus is a willingness to identify with all people especially the landless….the immigrant/the refugee… a pilgrim…..and hold the things of this world very loosely.   We need to recognize the ancient blessing to Abraham that he will bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him…..extends to all people even our enemies.  Can I curse anyone and not expect to be the recipient of that curse.

 This is why I just shudder when I hear both Candidates express their desire to kill and destroy those who oppose us.  Romney wants to expand the military budget by 5 trillion dollars on another 20 percent tax cut.....Obama entertains the option of continuing to pressure Iran to submit to our authority and another war is not off the table.   Actually I feel like Obama is pushed to this position because the political pressure of our unbridled support for Israel is so strong.   Romney is just too eager for a war with Iran.  

 I also don't like David Jeremiah's inference that if we are righteous nation we will prosper.....this is the carrot to make us vote a certain way.    Certainly China has aborted more babies then anyone and they own the world.   I also wish that Christians would really care about traditional marriage in their own lives if they want to uphold traditional marriage as the model of God.   Certainly we believe this whole heartily but if it's true that evangelical Christians divorce at the same rate as nonbelievers as the studies show.....then it is tough for us as Christians to have leg to stand on opposing same sex marriages.   When we say "love till death us part"  we really are practicing a minority viewpoint and it certainly won't win any elections.  

 I also resent using Billy Graham as a model for statesmanship even though he has preached the Gospel around the world.   There has never been a war he did not support especially the Vietnam War, supporting Reagan during his involvement in Latin America, and praying with George Bush before Iraq.   I really fear that Romney would be a puppet to Benjamin Netanyahu and be quick to start a war with Iran.  Actually I wonder how anyone could know who the person is that they are voting for if they vote for Romney.   His campaign is a joke when it comes to anything predictable.....which means in office he would be completely beholden to forces of Rush Limbaugh and the like.  He does not have conviction in his body unless it is to keep his 15% tax rate.  He is a salesman and he cares about the bottom line so anything can be said to that end. 

   I also wish Christians should admit that they have been used with the Pro Life lip service of the Republican order to promote an immoral selfish economic policy.   Could Ron have really been pro life when Nancy was not....How could George H been Pro Life when Barb was not.   Maybe George W was....because he had some kind of conversion and stopped drinking at age 35 or so...but how would we know.   No Pro Life president has done a single thing to advance the cause of restricting abortions.....even Romney says he is Pro Life but then last week he said he would not do anything to change the laws.   So what’s the's all about selfish economics.   So the evangelical community has been hoodwinked into following a selfish immoral economic policies of the republican party believing they were voting for God because they claim a Pro Life clause in the platform but they are just playing games.  Whenever someone says what platform supports everyone runs for cover saying we don't mean that. 

This subject of economics brings me to another dimension of what it means to be “Saved” in our Mennonite Church.   We agree wholeheartedly that to be saved includes forgiveness from sins to live a life of righteousness.   But how did Jesus himself introduce himself to his people?    "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.  

The year of  the Lord’s favor comes from the Old Testament law where God told them:
 Leviticus 25:10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.

The Law goes on and on….but the point was some people because of their gifts, ambition and sometimes good fortune like having rain fall prosper and do well.   They are able to buy up the land of the neighbors and make them their servants.   God said this is natural but all people are equally loved by him so after 50 years we must redistribute his blessing to all the families and we start over again.   It was called the year of Jubilee.   They never kept it very well… when Jesus brought it up they wanted to kill him.    It’s a justice practice…..we don’t let the financially blessed dominate forever.   In our country it’s called inheritance taxes.   To have a population of trust fund kids is really harmful to the country.  As a Mennonite people we don’t believe economics, titles, or position separates us from each other.   In our congregation I like to think we are the poor and the voluntarily poor so that all might live.   I'm sure that statement would get a lot of votes.   I can’t understand why the Republican Party is so resistant to the idea of progressive taxation.  This message of justice is one that David Jeremiah does not talk about.

But sharing economically is really central to Jesus message of his new Kingdom.  Think about Mary’s song rejoicing that God found favor in her and the rich are sent empty away.   Also think about all the times things are said that if you don’t love your neighbor how can you love God.   If you see your brother in need and don’t share how do you think you have the love of God in your heart.  In fact our love for God is defined by caring in concrete ways like providing water, shelter, or sitting with those least among you.  Yet it is the Food Stamp program & health services set up for the needy which get sliced the quickest especially by the Republican party.  

If I believe in a foreign policy of non intervention such as Ron Paul, environmental and conservation policies of the Green Party, comprehensive health policies such as Canada has, marriage between a husband and wife as a life long commitment, believe in progressive taxation as a expression of our commitment to Jesus,  living our expression of Jubilee economics, view abortion as sin, who could I vote for?  So I also take exemption when David Jeremiah says to not vote is a sin…..because no matter who you vote for you feel dirty when presidents do things that make you cringe…..such as killing people with drones...which both say they are quite willing to do. 

  These nationalistic elections have divided my congregation.   I don't know but I think that most churches which divide - divide during election years.   Certainly this was our case.   We had prayer meetings where we prayed for over an hour straight.  People would pray prayers thanking God for George Bush and what a good job he was was like we were making political speeches to each other with our eyes closed.   Even though most of us traditional Mennos did not vote it was still a tension.   I just wish people would be a bit humble about their political persuasions and say, Yes....both sides are full of sins .....Now let's go about building the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.   It’s so good we go to church with a bunch of refugees who work for $8.00 an hour and survive on food stamps.  I feel like our best vote is to walk in step with this world’s most vulnerable. If I believe that Romney would cut food stamps again as our Governor already has should I vote against Romney to support the people in my congregation?  It would be his tradition to balance the budget on the backs of the poor.  Should I vote for Obama because he has come out in support of the dream act? At least he is a little bit sensitive to the "stranger and alien even though I understand he has deported more people the George Bush......or should I Trust the Lord?   These are hard questions

So yes I enjoyed watching the video.   I also want to write to my friend to tell him I watched it.   It's just David Jeremiah is so out of touch with the world as we see it as Mennonite Christians.   He is concerned about a nation.....we see the world.   He thinks Jesus still has a tribe defended by horses and chariots when we think God cares about all people especially those oppressed such as Palestinians.   He wants to stone the sinner....when we think Jesus reserved his greatest and only condemnations for those who brought judgment on others.   He thinks prosperity is really important....the motivating factor for righteous living and we think we are totally out of sync with the world as pilgrims/ voluntarily identifying with the the point that we sacrifice our own life that they might live.   He thinks waging an advertising campaign spending 3.5 million dollars is a good use of funds......and we have no idea where that kind of money could come from.   Gracious! a Christian Super Pac.   I just want us as Christians to understand this political world is something we cannot trust and if we get involved in it we should do it with hardly any passion at all....After all we are pilgrims.  

I am sure this is a bigger answer then you expected but you asked for it so I needed to respond.    Thanks, Jonathan